I’ve Been On Both Sides of The Mental Health System

And it gives me a Unique Perspective.

4 min readOct 10, 2021

I’ve been working as a therapist predominantly for young adults, for 20 years. However, I’ve had clients of all ages in other work I’ve done alongside my main job. Some of the therapy offered has been open ended, some time limited due to the organisation’s rules, some group work but most individual. I have particular areas of interest and experience, like eating distress/disorders, gender, sexuality and relationship diversity, and ethics. However, much of the sessions have focused on whatever the client wants to bring.

It is a true privilege that I am trusted with the most vulnerable parts of any human being, and I never take that for granted. Clients are someone’s brother, sister, son, daughter, partner or friend. The context of the issues they bring to me is very important. They don’t simply exist as individuals in a vacuum. My job is to see their lives holistically and see them in relation to others in their lives they mention to me.

Some people’s families are large and complex. They mention the names of step and half siblings, new partners to family members and many others. Sometimes they apologise for the number of names they’ve mentioned to me in ten minutes. However, more important to me are the meanings behind what they bring, and the connection to their own lives and struggles.

Clients often say they “don’t know who they are”. Finding a purpose to life and where they fit in…




Ethical Vegan, Autistic, Therapist, Anti-Racism Work, Hyper-Empathic, Anti-Speciesist, Love Bull Breed Dogs, Musical Theatre, Americana, Moral Philosophy